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We know applying something new for the first time can be challenging. Even when you know the new thing will be useful, it can still be hard to figure out how to start using it...but it doesn't have to be :)

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About Us

Decision Skills Institute

opportunities not burdens

The Institute helps people that might otherwise be overwhelmed by complexity, stress, or worry, to overcome those and take action.  

We took 50 years of cutting-edge research, applied for decades at the world’s most successful companies, and created a framework that empowers individuals to consistently make better decisions, leading to better results, faster.  

We are the Robin Hoods of Decision Science!

Tyler Ludlow

founder and chief decision scientist

After earning a degree in Applied Math and an MBA, Tyler studied Decision Science at Stanford University.  He then spent a decade mastering its application at Global 500 companies, leading decisions for a $750M investment, a global product launch, and more.

Tyler’s best decisions were marrying his wife and having their nine children.  Together they enjoy the outdoors – hiking, backpacking, rafting, ice climbing, etc.

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